Tuesday, February 18


Why recruiters should have their own job board
Blog, Career

Why recruiters should have their own job board

Job boards often get a hard time from recruiters and we get it, we really do. You pay high amounts each month, to advertise your jobs amongst all of your competitors, to receive a high volume of often irrelevant CVs. Forget advertising on a job board, why not own a job board! We are aware that owning a job board is a new concept for many recruiters, so we are going to put our cards on the table and unleash the magic behind owning a specialist job board. Three is the magic number Owning a specialist job board brings three Aces to your business: Unique Candidates, New Business and a USP. Who doesn’t want more of all of the above? Unique Candidates Speaking to a number of recruiters every day, it is clear that the current talent shortage is affecting many industries ...
Making a job offer: what you must include
Blog, Career

Making a job offer: what you must include

Once you have found the perfect candidate for a role, you will need to provide him / her with a formal job offer. In order for the candidate to make a decision whether the role is right for them or not, we recommend providing the following information: 1. Salary This should be given as an annual figure or hourly rate and include details of any shift allowance or overtime rates. If the role is part-time the annual figure is usually given as a pro rata and if the role is temporary an hourly or daily rate is given. 2. Benefits This should include details of any bonuses or commission, pension schemes, healthcare, paternity / maternity leave, childcare vouchers, gym membership, free parking or training opportunities. 3. Length of Contract If the role is temporary, the ...
4 essential traits an employer looks for in a professional
Blog, Career

4 essential traits an employer looks for in a professional

Your work ethic and personal traits in the workplace directly affect your performance and those around you. Remaining professional at all times is essential if you want to succeed in a career, but how does one go about that? To help you understand what an employer looks for in an employee and how to be classed as a ‘professional’ at what you do, here are 4 essential traits… Effective working habits Depending on the role, this could describe lots of different working habits. But the most common ones come down to punctuality, organisation, time management, team working abilities, and a high level of competence. Someone who excels at their job is someone that can be trusted and relied upon to deliver the goods. To be classed as a professional this would be a mandatory require...
The value of experience
Blog, Career

The value of experience

I have been here for over two months, and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck in to my new role here. I can honestly say though that I would not be here if it wasn’t for the year out I took at university, where I worked for the year … unpaid. I swan dived into the world of copywriting, SEO and social media marketing not fully knowing what I was letting myself in for. I applied for the job thinking it was to become an advertising copywriter, a misunderstanding which hit me like a cold fish when I was plonked in front of a computer with briefs for a memory foam mattress, garden office and work wear companies. This was a major mistake on my end, however a couple of months into my year of copywriting and I had found my calling in this world. I had gained something invaluable in the...
The improbability of indispensability
Blog, Career

The improbability of indispensability

Indispensability; it’s the Holy Grail of employment, isn’t it? You work yourself in to a position where you can’t be fired, where your company simply can’t function without you, or would lose so much - perhaps in terms of productivity, value to the business or staff morale - with your exit through the front door that it wouldn’t even be considered. Sounds great, right? Hmm… Different types of indispensability Let’s clarify what we mean when we talk of someone being indispensable, as it’s commonly misdiagnosed. There’s a huge difference, for example, between being indispensable and being taken advantage of at work. Likewise, you may be one of those people who just can’t say no at work. You may also be a bit of a drama queen, a huffer and puffer, constantly proclaiming that ‘this ...