Tuesday, February 18

Value added

Get the Strategic Direction You Need Along with Kristina’s Instant LinkedIn Marketing Templates

When you invest in our “Value-Added Instant LinkedIn Marketing Templates Program – you and your organization will instantly get access to our…

  • 100+ Fill-in-the-Blank Headlines that will instantly grab prospects, potential referral sources and the media’s attention
  • LinkedIn Profile Quick Start Templates that will help you create summaries and expert positions that will “wow” your targeted audiences and have them wanting to connect with you
  • Instant LinkedIn Marketing Templates that are filled with all the templates you need to build your community and create a step-by-step LinkedIn lead generation system
  • How to Get the Right Testimonials Special Report so you get LinkedIn recommendations that move prospects further down your sales funnel

Now, in addition to these templates that you get in the “Basic” program we will:

  • Review your LinkedIn Profile BEFORE you even get started with your LinkedIn profile makeover – This way your LinkedIn marketing expert Kristina can share with you what needs to be changed, tweaked, added or removed and how! She’ll reveal   simple ways to position yourself on LinkedIn® as an expert authority in your field along with tips and strategies on how to utilize the most-up-to-date features of LinkedIn® to your advantage.
  • Provide you with actionable advice (with real examples) on how you can attract clients through your LinkedIn® profile – all on video! Plus show you how you can get more LinkedIn® profile visitors to go to your website to get on your list and buy from you.
  • Review your LinkedIn Profile AFTER  you complete your LinkedIn profile makeover so you get even more substantive and technical suggestions for improvement
  • Give you a FREE Next Steps Strategy Session

With our value-added package, you’ll get all the templates described above plus the testimonials special report plus the two (2) LinkedIn profile reviews for just $175!

Click the button below to buy now – or if you want more support, check out our “maximum support program

If you’d like before and after profile reviews for your complete executive, sales, marketing, business development or PR team, then email [email protected] for a customized program