I have been here for over two months, and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck in to my new role here. I can honestly say though that I would not be here if it wasn’t for the year out I took at university, where I worked for the year … unpaid. I swan dived into the world of copywriting, SEO and social media marketing not fully knowing what I was letting myself in for. I applied for the job thinking it was to become an advertising copywriter, a misunderstanding which hit me like a cold fish when I was plonked in front of a computer with briefs for a memory foam mattress, garden office and work wear companies.
This was a major mistake on my end, however a couple of months into my year of copywriting and I had found my calling in this world. I had gained something invaluable in the job seeking process … Experience. Having experience on your CV when you’re entering the job market is priceless and can be compared to having the key to open up the door to your chosen industry.
Experience is earned … Not bought
From my own personal experience, after I graduated and entered the market with badge of honour which took me a year to earn. I noticed one thing, jobs were all asking for a minimum of one year’s experience. It didn’t require a course qualification you paid for yourself, but cold, hard knowledge of the real world. I was advised by a member of my family to jump in to my unpaid placement with both feet as he knew what the advantages of having this on my CV would bring.
Guess where this story is heading?
Yep you’re right … I got the job which required someone who had a minimum 1 years experience (Of course I did, which is how I’m writing this). I have now taken on the marketing and online and offline maintenance of the site and the social media marketing. All these were skills which I learnt from my time at an agency and more importantly a production manager with 10 years of knowledge who honed my talent and made sure I was ‘oven ready’ for employment after I graduated. Not only did my year long internship give me a hunger and desire to enter the world of copywriting, SEO and marketing, but it also gave my final year at university structure. Believe me, getting out of bed, commuting and working 8.30-6 all for £200 expenses at the end of the month was sometimes tough and mentally draining, but I always saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
So here I am … in my company office in Central London, surrounded by a bustling team and doing the marketing for a recruitment agency who specialise in IT contract jobs, video games jobs, marketing recruitment and iGaming jobs; and I’m not daunted by the task at hand. I am excited, pumped and brimming with ideas. The reason I am sat here? The invaluable experience I got from my year out. So there it is, my advice to everyone is that taking an internship or placement in your desired industry will be incredibly beneficial for your career. So what are you waiting for? Take the chance!
By Matthew Thompson